If you do not wish to attend an appointment in person, I can offer a media based appointment (Whatsapp, Messenger, Facetime and/or Skype). Usual charges will apply.
Contact Dr Jane Strang
General, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeon in Richmond, Nelson
Most of Jane’s public work is carried out at Nelson Public Hospital. With her private work, she operates on a Monday morning at either Manuka Street Hospital or Tasman Day Surgery (where she also works at various times during the week).
She consults from her private practice at Lower Queen Street Specialists Suite in Richmond on Thursdays from 8am to 1pm.
On the days she is not at the rooms, you can phone Monday to Friday between 9 am to 5 pm where a practice manager can take your call. They will make appointments and if there are any queries relating to patient care, they will contact Jane directly.
Due to a temporary staff illness, there may be a delay in responding to you. Thank you for your patience.
Lower Queen Street Health
355 Lower Queen Street
Richmond 7020
(03) 544 8818
Opening hours